Thinking about applying for a Grant?

“Goals are dreams with deadlines”

This quote is attributed to Diana Hunt writer of a self-help book called ‘Tao of time’, exploring an eastern approach to time management. In our experience the deadline is a call to action, otherwise everyone takes as long as they have and without urgency some may not even feel compelled to act.

When our energies align, we focus to make something happen.

We are encouraging you as a yoga teacher or yoga based organisation to consider applying for a Yoga for Good Foundation Grant. We have opened the grant application process for the very first time. We are open from November 1 to November 30, 2021. To help you prepare, we suggest you get clear about your idea and very familiar with our Application Guidelines. Following are some additional points of consideration that may help you create a winning application.

The type of project you want to do

If you are struggling for ideas, then please consider some of our blogs on harnessing creativity to tap into your unique idea. Have a read of; The spark of creativity: How to get an idea for a grant? & In Praise of Putting Pen to Paper.

Once you have your idea, stress test it.

Review your project idea with others, discuss its positive or negative aspects as someone you trust for their feedback on your thinking.

Really get to know your audience:

  • Get to know as much as possible about the community or your target audience group e.g. run a survey for feedback from the group, talk to your current yoga class participants and examine your idea through their lens so you’re clear on the issue you are addressing.
  • Use secondary sources of information e.g. local council statistics and data about your group or community

Use qualitative (feelings & opinion) and quantitative (data collecting) to enquire and strengthen the reason behind your project. Then if you can supplement that with a video submission, people sell ideas and we will see your passion for your project so we encourage you, however amateurish it may feel, to tell us personally about your project. Add photos. Add media. Anything you feel is visually relevant to your topic or idea.

What kind of grant do you need?

Our grants program is open to a broad spectrum of ideas, large or small, and a broad range of activities. As long as you fulfil our criteria outlined in the application form and closely read the guidelines then you have a shot at success.

We require that you have already made a good start on your initiative and know where you are going with it.

Yoga teacher explaining in front of her students

Why you want a grant?

For realising the practicalities, a mentor can help, someone who has walked a similar path before you, willing to give you advice. Have a chat about how they got started, did they sustain their efforts with funding or personally meet their project costs? How did they get clear? What guidance if any did they achieve?

Be clear about value, it is essential to plan the collection of data before, during and after the program. A report to share, gives credibility to any findings and benefits. This makes it easier to partner with us, reach more people and add to current knowledge and will give focus to your project, increasing the possibly to expand in the future.

A good way to cover what is required is to apply the SMART acronym:

Specific goals have a much greater chance of being accomplished. Answer these questions: Who is involved? What do I want to accomplish? Where will I do this? When will I do this? Which requirements and constraints are required? Why am I doing this, the reason, purpose or benefit?

Measure progress, what is your criteria for each goal? This way you’ll stay on track, reach your targets, experience a sense of achievement and keep putting in the effort to reach your goals. Ask questions such as……How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?

Attainable, identify the most important goals, developing the attitudes, abilities, skills, and means to reach them. You see opportunities within a time frame and the steps to the achieve your goals (or ambition) through personal growth.

Realistic, do you truly believe that it can be accomplished? You know if your goal is realistic if you have accomplished anything similar in the past or you can ask yourself what conditions have to exist for me to accomplish this goal.

Timeline will keep you grounded with the urgency to set the unconscious mind into motion. It is tangible when you can experience it with one of the senses; taste, touch, smell, sight or hearing, this way you have a better chance of success with the other parts of the SMART principle.

Remember passion and good research sell ideas, sit with your idea, stress test it and don’t worry about with your idea is typically yoga. We have purposely left the parameter of what would qualify for a grant rather broad so that we are not influencing your idea. What ever lights you up and resonates within you and your community is right for you.

You have until the end of November to complete the application, however you will need to fill out your application form in one sitting, so once again we urge you to really read the guidelines, they have been written to step you through and guide you through the section before you arrive at the online form. Allow a good hour to populate your form and we would like to suggest you write your ideas and notes for each section in word so you can transfer your notes across and have a saved copy should anything go wrong with your connection along the way.

Best of luck, we look forward to reading you application if not for this first round of grant applications then for the next round.

Community yoga classes

We are passionate about sharing the joy of practising yoga and offering you an opportunity to connect with your true self on a regular basis.
View previous classes or book now for our next class.

17th September 2024 - 12:00 to 1:00pm

Sandra Taylor – Transformative Yoga Community Class

Online Yoga Community Class Link

Join Sandra from Be You Yoga for this Spring Yoga Class, designed to de-stress and reset your digestion, metabolism, immunity, and overall health. Spring is the best therapeutic season for a natural and holistic cleanse.

We will begin by gently warming up your joints and proceed with a pranayama designed to calm your system. This will be followed by gentle movements that promote mobility and fluidity in your body, instilling a sense of nurturing and self-love throughout the practice. We will conclude with deep relaxation and a short meditation to integrate your practice on multiple levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Sandra is a master of spirituality and blends the practices of yoga in an adventure of self-discovery. She has a series of books on Be You Yoga that deepen the understanding of yourself to cultivate a heightened sense of self-love, with easy-to-follow yoga guide with meditation exercises and inspired quotes.

Be You Yoga » Figtree Yoga Studio » Yoga Book

9th November 2024 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Suze Male - Transformative Yoga Community Class

Online Yoga Community Class Link

Join Suze from 42 Yoga for a transformative yoga class focused on balancing the sacral chakra, the centre of creativity and passion. She believes yoga is the key to body, mind wellness and healing. After practicing for many years and teacher training in Bali and India, she is using these skills with children’s and trauma-informed yoga.

Her new book, a yoga-for-kids adventure called Ursula the Roly Poly Unicorn, helps children develop strong self-esteem, through story and yoga as a positive and empowering tool.

BOOK: Ursula the Roly Poly Unicorn: A Yoga-For-Kids Adventure about Self-Esteem and Loving Yourself Just as You Are – 42 YOGA

In this class with gentle flows, breathwork and mindful practices, we will cultivate energy, release blockages, and ignite the creative spirit, as well as explore the profound connection between body, mind, and creative expression.

22nd January 2025 - 12:00 to 1:00pm

Reetu Verma – Transformative Yoga Community Class

Online Yoga Community Class Link

Meeting ID: 859 1833 4994
Passcode: 171949

Join Reetu for an immersive meditation session into the depths of our energy centres. Nourish the systems of your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, ready for the year ahead. Be guided by her inspiring voice to relax into meditation and reconnect with and balance the subtle energies within.

Reetu Verma has 25 years of experience as an academic, teacher and coach, providing support, help and guidance to thousands of people from all walks of life from all over the globe.

During a traumatic near-death experience, she experienced pure light and pure love and embarked on a transformational, personal healing journey. Inspired and totally committed to making a positive difference in the lives of others, helping them on their healing journey to live a healthier, happier life.

She founded Healing, Health and Happiness to expanded her teachings of personal development, into finding life purpose and spiritual growth. Reetu has developed a systematic, practical approach to bring more harmony and a sense of joy into life.

22nd October 2024 - 12:00 to 1:00pm, Tuesday

Amy Brooks – Trauma Informed Yoga Community Class

Online Yoga Community Class Link 

Join Amy for a trauma-informed gentle flow Community Class with a particular focus on noticing internal sensations and making choices.

Amy Brooks is a qualified social worker, mental health clinician and yoga facilitator certified in Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) based in the Shoalhaven, NSW. She has been practicing yoga for over a decade and passionately believes in its healing qualities for the mind and body, making it an effective adjunct therapy for mental health work. Amy completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training at Om Sweet Om Milton in 2022.

She is offering yoga classes to the community, combining her professional training and lived experience as a source of strength to guide others on their own journey towards recovery.


Our sole mission is to create opportunities to do good for others through yoga.
And we’re making an impact.

A huge thank you to the Yoga For Good Foundation...

…for their incredible contribution to our Life Now Yoga and meditation programs!

This generous donation will mean we can buy new yoga equipment, run a new yoga class in Broome, and enhance our meditation program for cancer patients and their primary carers.

Cancer Council Western Australia

Sending out gratitude to the Yoga for Good Foundation.

Their grant is enabling me to offer FREE trauma informed therapeutic movement and relaxation to frontline mental health and social services staff in Bega.

Participants are really valuing the time out for themselves and experiencing integrated poly vagal theory. And I get to be in a teaching space, yay!

PremKranti Counselling

The generous grant we've been awarded from the Yoga For Good Foundation...

…allows us to reach more underserved and vulnerable community groups who can benefit from a trauma-informed yoga and embodied mindfulness practice at zero cost to the participants.

Some of the community groups we’ll be serving in the current months include 000 Foundation, Men’s Walk and Talk and WAGEC.

Yoga on the Inside